Two more years with Toms Skujiņš

One of the peloton’s most popular figures will continue racing in Lidl-Trek colors through 2026

From his impressive attack at Omloop het Nieuwsblad to a second-place at Strade Bianche – with countless contributions to team wins along the way – it’s safe to say that Toms Skujiņš is in the midst of his best season yet.

Skujiņš joined the with the Team in 2018, immediately making his mark with four race wins in his first season. The six-time Latvian champion has gone on to become one of Lidl-Trek’s most versatile riders, equally dependable on the hills, cobbles or in a lead-out train. A contract extension for Toms will see him reach nine seasons representing Lidl-Trek.

Whether you know him for his wacky celebratory dance moves, his love of potatoes, or his plucky never-say-die attitude on the bike, Toms Skujins has worked his way into the hearts of the Lidl-Trek extended family, and he’ll be staying there for (at least) two more years.

Speaking about his contract extension, Toms said:

“I think every time we re-sign it seems to happen earlier and earlier because both parties have found a mutual respect and mutual liking. The direction the Team is going also makes me happy. We’re moving forward and progressing as a team. It would be hard to see myself in any jersey other than Lidl-Trek’s.

I’m definitely not the longest serving member of the Team, but I’m getting up there for sure. It’s very comfortable to be in the same environment, but at the same time the Team pushes me to move forward, as well pushing itself forward. I think that’s the perfect balance in sport. It’s easy in sport to chase a higher paying contract, but I think being in an environment where you’re happy is what makes you faster, rather than having more money in your bank account.

This year I spent three weeks on top of a mountain for the first time in many years with the Team. We’re chasing a better performance, but at the same time Lidl-Trek feels like a family because the environment that we have is really different to many teams. I’m sure there are some other teams that have a nice relationship between riders and staff, but not that many. It’s really hard to have that environment, and I think that Trek has been able to keep that, even with new sponsors and riders coming in. I think Trek has found a great way to hold onto that feeling.

I think that every year I personally step up, but also the Team does. I feel responsible to step up with it. It’s nice to pay back the confidence the Team put in me many years ago now, to sign me in the first place, because actually when I signed my first contract I was between a rock and a hard place. I didn’t really have any other place to go, so it was really nice that the Team gave me that opportunity. I think that every year I’ve paid that back that more and more, and I’ll keep doing that for another two years.”

Lidl-Trek General Manager, Luca Guercilena, added:

“Toms is a rare type of rider, and I’m happy that we are able to hold onto him. If you were looking only at a results sheet, you might underestimate him, but when you see how much he gives to the Team across all terrains, you quickly realize just how valuable he is. The fact that he continues to improve, even as the level of cycling rises, speaks volumes not only for his talent, but particularly his work ethic. Toms embodies the spirit of Lidl-Trek, and that’s why he’s such a hit with fans across the world, and especially the staff at Trek HQ in Waterloo. He is capable of taking results himself, yet more often goes all in for his teammates. Lidl-Trek is all the better with him on board.”

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