Madigan Munro and Riley Amos light up Pan-Am Champs!

The two young Americans lit up Soldier Hollow, winning all five of their combined starts

Riley Amos and Madigan Munro went to Pan-American Championships in Soldier Hollow, Utah, and didn’t lose a single start.

Both Trek Factory Racing-Pirelli XC riders won Under-23 XCO titles, and Amos tacked on an elite short track win. Together, Amos and Munro also helped lead the USA squad to a team relay win. That the two young Americans were able to win on home soil added a cherry on top of the weekend. 

“I haven’t been back to race in Soldier Hollow in four or five years, and the first time I raced there was my first ever cross country mountain bike win at 16 years old,” Amos said. “So it was really special to go back for a big race. It’s so gorgeous, and the early-in-the-week weather dropped some fresh snow on the mountains all around the valley.”

Riley Amos celebrating his elite short track win.

Madigan Munro on her way to a dominant U23 women's XCO victory.

The team relay win on Thursday served as an appetizer for the big individual performances to come. Munro said she had a blast “sliding around in the mud as the weather was all over the place: Raining, sunny, windy.” 

The next day, Amos raced as an elite in the men’s short track event, giving him a chance to square off against XC World Cup Mairiporã winner Christopher Blevins. Amos nipped Blevins in a sprint.

“It was a crazy aggressive and fast race,” Amos said. “I think that was one of the most special wins I’ve ever had. Being able to get the win against the king in his court was such a thrill.”

Madigan atop the podium in the Continental Champion's kit.

Riley riding away against the beautiful Soldier Hollow backdrop.

Amos completed his weekend with a hard-earned XCO win, in which he went clear early with two other riders, ultimately battling with fellow American Brayden Johnson over the final two laps to notch a 16-second win.

Munro, meanwhile, put on one of the most impressive displays of the weekend, winning the women’s U23 XCO event by nearly two-and-a-half minutes over second-place Ella MacPhee. Munro is off to a strong start in 2024, taking the short track podium in Mairiporã, and placing no lower than sixth in four World Cup starts. She also has a gravel win at Old Man Winter for good measure

“It was a super fun day of bike racing,” Munro said. “I went into the race with a plan to ride patiently and smart, and had practiced the course and dialed in lines with our Team USA skills coach, Anneke Beerten, so I felt confident and excited to race.

Riley is looking to extend his World Cup winning streak in Nové Město.

Madigan is off to one of the best starts of her career.

“The race went smooth and to plan for me, which is not always the case in a bike race, so that in itself was a huge success. I was able to get a small gap on the first lap and continue to build on that gap each lap.”

The two Colorado natives were able to bask in their success with friends and family. With their wins, they’ll have the opportunity to wear the continental championship kit when World Cup racing resumes in Nové Město on May 24. (Though in Amos’ case, that assumes he ever takes off the U23 Men’s World Cup leader’s jersey — he’s won a perfect four races in four World Cup starts this season.)

“It was really awesome to have such a big race so close to home and with many hometown fans and supporters,” Munro said. “A huge thanks to USA Cycling and the Trek staff, Tom and Wendy, for setting us up for success this weekend. I am looking forward to keeping this momentum rolling into the next few World Cups of the season, and in a fancy new jersey!”