Reed wins IM 70.3 Coeur d’Alene

Tim Reed wins classic Idaho IM 70.3

Tim Reed is always there, waiting, ready to suddenly win. The constant podium threat that is Tim Reed struck again this weekend in Idaho, brawling his way to the win at IM 70.3 Coeur d’Alene. In Tim’s own words.

As expected with Josh likely the best swimmer in the sport, both Appo and Josh dropped me about 300m into the swim if I’m being generous. I led the chase swim group which is never a good outcome for me (or the chase group). Exiting over 90 seconds down I knew it was going to be a tough ride to not lose any time to these two who are both weapons on two wheels but was really pleased to not lose any further time starting the run. I’ve chased comfort over aggressive aero gains with my bike position this year and it seems to be paying off with power numbers much higher then the last couple of years. I ran my brains out the first 10kms and caught the guys upfront but once I got to them they just wouldn’t lay down and it ended up a super tight finish.