Rudy von Berg wins in France

Comeback win at Ironman 70.3 Le Sables D'Olonne

Every sport around the world has begun to see competition come back in some form or another. Such is the case for triathlon, with racing taking place in the 70.3 Ironman format this part past weekend. France played host to a solid field looking to stretch their legs in one of the few competitive endeavors of the year. Rudy came out swinging, and came back from a slight deficit to take the win.

1st Rodolphe Von Berg-3:44:12 
2nd Antony Costes-3:45:26
3rd Pieter Heemeryck-3:46:54

“Great feeling getting at least one race under the belt this year, and a win that is,” said Rudy. “It’s been tough throughout the year with all the cancelled races, and this definitely helps with the morale.”

“I’ve continued all year with my structured training, and was in good shape pre-race. I lead out of the swim, and after a strong bike leg with two other top contenders, we started the run stride for stride. After losing up to 30sec in the first 10km, I came back and passed for the lead at 13km and never relinquished it. Solid splits in all disciplines, a win, and a bit of money helps too! My dad also won his 60-64 AG aboard his Speed Concept.”