Again one-two! Realini wins and Spratt second at Trofeo Oro in Euro

The teammates crossed the finish line arm in arm after a day to celebrate

Trek-Segafredo signed its second one-two of the year and, amid smiles and hugs after an outstanding team performance, celebrated Gaia Realini’s first victory as a professional.

The young Italian climber won the Trofeo Oro in Euro ahead of teammate Amanda Spratt. The two climbers crossed the finish line of the Italian race alone, with 1’56” on the rest of the peloton, which was led in by Alzini (Cofidis) in the bunch sprint (8th place for Elynor Bäckstedt).

Realini and Spratt’s result crowned a great day of teamwork, which came was initiated by Brodie Chapman, Elynor Bäckstedt and Tayler Wiles at 45km to the finish as the peloton approached the first of two climbs that characterized the race finale. Their high pace at the head of the peloton thinned the group, making the decisive selection and put the two climbers in the ideal position to make the difference on their ground. From that moment, it was all down to Gaia and Amanda who went all in. The duo increased their gap all the way to the line where they were able to celebrate together, thanks to the work of Chapman who neutralized the attacks in the chasing group.

Today’s win marks Trek-Segafredo’s sixth success of the year.

Gaia Realini and Amanda Spratt crossing the finish line (©SprintCycling)

Reaction from Gaia Realini

I’m so excited, so happy, really hard to find the right words to describe my feeling. My first win as a professional rider, with this wonderful one-two, in my Italy, in front of so many friends and my family…. I can’t really think of anything better, I am overjoyed.

Today I was in the same situation I experienced at UAE Tour. We were in front by ourselves, and together, by mutual agreement, we managed to make the difference. At the last KOM Paolo Slongo, from the team car, asked Amanda if she agreed to let me pass first at the finish line. She was happy to do so and for that I really thank her. The same goes for Elynor, Brodie, and Tayler. It was through their work that the decisive action came about.

Today was not a race on paper for climbers. We lacked a sprinter to look for a bunch finish. We opted for aggressive tactics. We had to ride hard and, on the first climb of the final circuit, try to make a difference. And so we did. Amanda and I pushed hard to make immediately a decent gap, then managed to increase it. She was pulling harder on the flat, I was pulling harder on the climbs. We made it to the finish line and were able to enjoy the moment as best we could.

Reaction from Amanda Spratt:

We knew we had to try something different today to take the win. Today’s one-two is really a team result, no other way to describe. I attacked from the bottom of the climb with Gaia on my wheel, that was the key moment, but without the work done before to select the peloton, maybe we would not have the same result. The rest, was an exciting breakaway until the finish line. We managed everything very well since the start, as we wanted. Broadie in particular has been amazing stopping al the dangers after our attack. It was a perfect teamwork.

For me, it was great to help Gaia win today. She’s such a strong climber, a promising talent; she showed her commitment to the team already in UAE Tour and Setmana Valenciana and today she was one of the strongest riders in the peloton. She deserved this opportunity in her home country and it was really nice for me to see her winning.

Gaia and Amanda on the podium (©SprintCycling)

Our Aussie champ Broadie Chapman (©SprintCycling)

Elynor Backstedt (©SprintCycling)

Tayler Wiles (©SprintCycling)