Skjelmose excels in final stage time trial to end Tour de Suisse on the podium

Mattias achieved his goal of a GC podium thanks to a superb time trial on the final stage

Skjelmose did it. The Danish champion started the Tour de Suisse with the aim of finishing on the podium again and today, in the final stage, he achieved it. Mattias finished on the third step, behind the UAE Team Emirates pair of Yates and Almeida.

This result was one of great mental strength, and particularly today, also physical strength. In fact, it was today’s splendid performance in the final time trial, which he finished in third place (again behind Almeida and Yates), that allowed him to close the one minute gap he needed to catch Bernal (Ineos) and pass him by 10 seconds.

In addition to the podium, Mattias also won (for the second consecutive year) the white jersey of best young rider in GC.


“Finishing Tour de Suisse on the podium was my goal at the start of the race and the feeling of succeeding in that is really nice. A special performance was needed and I feel proud I made it there,” said Mattias.

“I’m super happy, really. It was a great final day, maybe the best case scenario. I think Yates and Almeida have been a level above the entire peloton here in Switzerland, so being the best of the rest is a nice result.

“I’m satisfied with my whole performance but also with the way I managed such a hard race and how I reacted when things didn’t work as expected. A bad day doesn’t mean you’re bad rider. It’s important to be strong mentally and to keep the right mindset to face the good and the bad. I feel lucky I’ve such good people around me in this Team. They always believed in me and that was crucial for me.

“After some day of rest my focus will be first of all on the TT National championships, which have been in my sight for a long time, and then to support Mads at Road race champs and the Olympics. After this, the Vuelta will come.”

