TFR CX shines on World Cup stage

Noble, Richards and Swartz find the podium in Waterloo/Iowa

Shortly after the launch of the newest program under the Trek Factory Racing banner was formed, the TFR CX team wasted little time in making their presence known. In the World Cup Waterloo, it was Ellen Noble taking second to Marianne Vos. In World Cup Iowa it was Evie Richards second to Katie Keough.

This weekend’s Iowa race was an absolute battle, with Katie Keough taking an impressive solo victory. Behind her, the battle raged to catch and fill the podium.

Evie Richards made the day, with in impressive last lap that saw her move from fourth place to second.

"What a fun race, I enjoyed every second but it went by in a blur! I loved the crazy downhills and how the rain on the line made for an exciting start. There were so many tense moments, it was a race where making mistakes could cost you, but I was willing to take the risks. Today's quote was 'kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit', and I felt like that is a great reflection of how it went. I have loved being in the US with Trek racing these first two World Cups, and I feel so lucky to have this opportunity!"

Adding to the positive weekend was Emma Swartz taking second in the U-23 category, along with Telenet-Fidea’s Fleur Nagengast in third. With Evie Richards’ still being a U-23 rider, that gives Trek the 1-2-3 for the podium. In Emma’s own words;

"What an exciting race! I focused on keeping it upright and staying smooth and steady, Standing on my first World Cup podium as second in U-23 with Evie was a fantastic experience!"

The journey to the US has been a successful one for the new TFR program, with last weekend’s World Cup Waterloo giving Ellen Noble the second spot as well.

Keep in touch with the TFR CX and Telenet-Fidea lions as they fight for glory this year!