Ariana Evangelista and the TFR women discuss their racing journeys

A fascinating conversation spanning recovery, conquering self-doubt and hidden talents

Ariana Evangelista is one of the fastest mountain bikers in the Philippines, winning her fourth XC national title last June. She’s also a trailblazer who is actively working to get more people in her country involved in riding and racing their bikes.

Recently, she spoke with the women of Trek Factory Racing — Jolanda Neff, Evie Richards, Maddie Munro and Hattie Harnden — about their own journeys in mountain biking, and the lessons they’ve learned while taking on the biggest races in the world. Their conversation spanned recovery techniques, conquering self-doubt and hidden talents.

Check out the their conversation below, split into three parts, courtesy of Trek Bikes Philippines!

Be sure to follow Ariana on Instagram, as well as Trek Factory Racing XC as a new season gets underway!