Trek Factory Racing expands 2020 triathlete roster

Five returning triathletes joined by new TFR racer Ellie Salthouse

The 2020 triathlete roster for Trek Factory Racing returns five stellar racers and adds a new recruit, Ellie Salthouse to our world class SRAM and Quarq supported team.

Brit Holly Lawrence, American Tim O’Donnell, Aussie Tim Reed, American Linsey Corbin, and American Ben Kanute return to Trek Factory Racing for 2020. Their season last year put them on podiums at Ironman World Championships, Ironman 70.3 World Championships, regional championships in Europe, Asia Pacific, North American, and the Middle East just to name a few.

Tim O'Donnell has a long resume of Ironman wins. In 2019, he came second at the World Championships in Hawaii and was the first American to ever break eight hours.

After his stellar second place finish at the 2019 Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii, Tim O’Donnell has his sights set Hawaii again in 2020. His strong performance in 2019 was even more impressive considering that he had broken his foot seven weeks before the race. The broken foot dramatically altered his preparation for the World Championships, which had a silver lining of keeping him fresh for the race.

“I am taking some strategy from my 2019 lower impact training into 2020,” O’Donnell said. “Reducing my run training going into Kona allowed me to really focus on my swim and bike training. Mileage and quality went up on bike so that in Kona, even though I didn’t have normal run fitness, I was so much fresher starting the run because I hadn’t overbiked.”

O’Donnell’s 2020 race season will kick off in April at Ironman 70.3 Texas.

Holly Lawrence celebrates after clenching the European title at the regional Ironman 70.3 championship.

Holly Lawrence was also at her best in 2019 with four regional Ironman 70.3 champion titles and a podium finish at the Ironman 70.3 World Championships. Similarly to O’Donnell, Lawrence achieved a second-place finish at Worlds after coming back from a broken ankle in 2018 that she thought might put her out of triathlons completely.

“The biggest thing for me last year was, after a possibly career-ending injury, I proved to myself that I could come back and compete better than I ever had,” Lawrence said. “My plan for 2020 is to peak in November and win 70.3 Worlds.” She will kick off her race season in April at Oceanside.

Ellie Salthouse joins the 2020 Trek Factory Racing roster.

This year, Trek Factory Racing adds another Aussie to the lineup by graduating Ellie Salthouse, who has ridden Trek for two years, up to the highest level of Trek support. Salthouse won several half distance races in 2019 including two Ironman 70.3 competitions. Like Lawrence, has her sights set on World Championships in November. Since the race will take place in New Zealand, Salthouse is looking forward to the family and friends who will have a short trip to cheer her on.

“Being part of TFR is a dream of mine I’ve had since I started this sport,” Salthouse said. “Apart from doing well at Worlds, I just want to stay healthy and injury free and get through the season with as many podium positions as possible. I’m going to be riding the best bike, so I know won’t have to worry about my equipment.”

Welcome to the team, Ellie! And welcome back to our five other triathletes and SRAM as their elite component sponsor—see you on the podiums of 2020!